Unreal Engine 4 Tastings by Koola

Following up on a previous feature of Koola’s work with Unreal Engine 4, now that “The Vineyard” challenge is running and an Epic DEV Grant awarded to him, he stops not! Check out his latest tests with Unreal Engine 4 and get inspired with your own challenge entries.

Koola sure knows how to strike the right chord, and his recent test with substance designer along with Unreal Engine 4 is no different. This one is amazing.



Check out the Substance Designer 5 YouTube Playlist of tutorial videos for UE4 to learn how to get started with it.


And so are these previous short animation tests he did with SpeedTree and a colourful play…


Go crazy in “The Vineyard” challenge.

You will find Koola’s free Lightroom Scene on the UE4 Marketplace to play around with his setup.


11 replies
  1. FarzanMir
    FarzanMir says:

    many people cant participate in vineyard challenge because of their nationality

  2. FarzanMir
    FarzanMir says:

    ronenbekerman FarzanMir if by limitations you mean sanctions that restrict doing business with these countries they are only about money and business . not culture and art . its not fair to say you cant participate at all because you cant receive the prize. i think it should be changed .

  3. ronenbekerman
    ronenbekerman says:

    FarzanMir ronenbekerman If someone wants to join knowing he is out of the prize consideration than he can. As we progress, there might be awards that have no limitations so new options could open up.

  4. ronenbekerman
    ronenbekerman says:

    More information from Koola :

    “First thing, I only worked on the ground and water, the big rocks in background come from the kite demo. The ground texture is fully procedural (and this why I love substance designer), 2k, color / height / normal / roughness. The ground mesh is just a subdivised plane (with a little large noise). The lighting is really basic, movable direct and sky, without any GI / DFAO / bake …

    Here’s a test with vertex painting for blending 3 materials.”

  5. YahiyaJasem
    YahiyaJasem says:

    ronenbekerman FarzanMir many people can’t participate in the challenge because of their nationalities or where they currently live?

  6. abcdadaoo
    abcdadaoo says:

    When I first saw the competiotion news in your website, I immediately started to sketch out what I am dreaming of. When I saw your policy it was like a tragedy of how money can take control of art as brutal as possible. Will All respect to romenbekerman, tat was the moment that I got ashamed to be a citizen of under sanctions country who is limited by international law to participate in any cultural, artistic real activities. And the real tragedy is ronenbekerman is the one who follow that unrespectful rules and is proude of.
    Evn ifsomeone eager to be a friend ask you to be ignored but let him be in the circle, the answer to pm me in private to let you know howtobe ignored at ease, is not sch a nice and nodern behavior.

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