Skatter v2
Skatter v2 is in the making, and it needs our help. Thomas & Merwan went with the crowdfunding route for making Skatter v2 happen, and I’m all for helping them make it happen.
They picked INDIEGOGO as their platform for Skatter v2 Pre-Order, and I’m in myself with the “Ultimate Pack.”
As I write this, they reached 78% of the funding needed with 23 days to go. If you use SketchUp and Render on it daily, this should be an easy decision for you. More so if you already have v1.
I’m biased as you know, but Skatter is probably the best thing that happened to SketchUp in the context of ArchViz rendering. That is why I joined in the early days and why I’m pushing for v2 release.
Disclaimer: I am an official reseller of Skatter, but this crowdfunding is outside the scope of reselling. My gain is helping bring v2 to market sooner.
I’ll share information from the campaign page here…
This the expected schedule if funded successfully.
Image by Darchviz
The Current Status of Skatter v2
Skatter v2 is an ambitious overhaul with a brand-new interface, boosted performance, and many new features requested by our community.
Don’t worry, though, the development is well underway, and we already made good progress.
Here’s the current state of Skatter 2 :
- New Features – We have developed exclusive features such as clustering, random materials, and new distribution types.
- Performance Boost – We rebuilt the core of Skatter from the ground up to provide significantly better performance so that you can build larger and faster compositions.
- Modern UI – We built an advanced User Interface to make Skatter 2 more beautiful and more comfortable to use.
- New Library Browser – We created a brand new browser to manage your library more efficiently, which we’ll directly integrate with an online marketplace.
What is next for Skatter v2?
There are still a few other features left for us to develop so that Skatter fully deserves its 2.0 tag.
Those features include :
- 3D Paint masks
- Bitmap masks
- New projection modes: world-space, object-space, and face-space
- Custom falloff curves
- Volumetric scattering
- LODs
- Look-at
- Using other compositions as masks
- Converting existing sets of groups/components to a Skatter composition
- And many other improvements
If funded successfully, we are expecting to release a first Beta version in Q1 2020 to people pre-ordering. We plan the public release of Skatter 2.0 for Q2 2020.
What You’ll Get?
Our community has always been great to us, and we want to give them back as much as possible. Thus, we planned a few perks for pre-orders :
- Skatter 2 Full License (or upgrade) – Pre-order a Skatter 2 license, or a Skatter 2 upgrade if you have already purchased Skatter 1.
- Skatter 1 Special Edition – You’ll have exclusive access to a special version of Skatter 1 with the brand new clustering function.
- Acknowledgment – Everyone pre-ordering will have their names included in a special Thank You page in Skatter 2 as well as a unique forum badge.
- A Few others Goodies – Higher perks include unlimited Skatter upgrades, free licenses for our other extension Transmutr, a private webinar, and one-on-one Skatter training.
Please READ MORE and explore the perks on the Skatter v2 Indiegogo Campaign Page!
Go Go Skatter 2.0!
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