Late To The Challenge by SamSquanch

I wasn’t able to finish the “Tomorrow” challenge in time due to a GPU failure, but decided I want to finish it anyway, since I didn’t want to all that modelling work go to waste. Got the new GPU, finished the project and here it is. The date to submit for the challenge has already past (not that I would have any chance of winning – there were some amazing works posted) but at least I might have a new portfolio piece.

The Joker & The Thief by Beauty and The Bit

B&TB Image of The Month: February

The Joker & The Thief

Yes, we know… already in March but we have had a really busy February.

Nevertheless, we have managed to finish our second Image of The Month.
In this occasion we imagined some kind of semi-deserted facility and 2 suspicious guys… hope it is enough for you to trigger your imagination…
Really proud of our team effort. Hope you enjoy it!


B&TB Team