Mountain Man Architecture Competition by Berga&González arquitectos

The team of Estudio Herreros contacted us requesting some renderings for their proposal. A proposal in which special attention was given to the dialogue between the elements of nature and the built elements. Advocates strongly for a nature greenery, sometimes wild, generated in the interior courtyards.

We tried to export our Spanish sun to the finish people, by creating some happy mood among the trees. People always look happier in summer 🙂

Refurbished Barn by Peter Oldorf

How far can we push the Forest Pack plugin! That was one issue after we recognized what a Swedish landscape needs to look authentic.

We are working on this setting for a VR project, so I had to build the vegetation for all directions. Now we can put the cameras nearly everywhere. This are the first shots, which we really liked to share. There´s some more coming soon 🙂