cabanon housing by nikos batakis

it was a big challenge to create the vegetation and this hard land scape so i tried my best using zbrush for sculpting and maya 2017 (arnold 5 for rendering). i hope you like it.

the trees (olive tree) is from speedtree but i re- texture it again because there is no export in maya arnold, some rocks are from quixel megascans and again textured in maya. the lighting in the scene is very simple i have used only two arnold lights inside the houses and a skydome for exterior. grass was possible because of the xgen plugin. and i have used z brush for the shell of the houses and some rocks…and very small details in photoshop if you spot it you are very good and me bad..

thanks for your time..

Beauty and The Bit + Koht Architects COMPETITION WON by Beauty and The Bit

It was really a pleasure to help out the guys from Koht to win this competition on Norway´s largest university campus. Simple yet effective design which led this young and talented studio to strike the gold.
Clear the road for the new generations of architects!
Trondheim is the third largest city in Norway, and home to some of the country’s leading science, technology and medical institutions including various campuses of the NTNU, Sør Trøndelag University College and St Olavs University Hospital. The brief for the new proposal was to create a conceptual new structure for the campus while integrating existing facilities within the competition area. The area to be transformed is west of the existing main campus in Gløshaugen, totaling 120,000 square meters.