Restaurant by Kartik Lakshminarayan

This is my personal project. I always wanted to design a Paris roof top restaurant. So I designed it on my own for my portfolio. The whole concept is mine. If someday this restaurant becomes a reality do visit and have a drink seeing the Eiffel tower .

Subway entrance by

This image was created last year as an experiment in creating a decent quality image using less than 30,000 polys (total came to around 22,000). The model geometry is fairly simple in nature, modeled primarily from half a cylinder and a cube at the far end, as well as a plane manipulated to look like steps. The low poly model was compensated for by having quite intricate texturing applied to it to give the desired effects. (I would insert an image of the shader tree, however I have since lost the project to a crashed hard drive). Obviously Photoshop played a part in inserting the people, but other than that and some adjustments to the contrast the post production for this was minimal.