Porsgrunn Church by Troark + Surnevik

Just a few days left for our well deserved summer holidays. But before that we wanted to share one more project with you before hitting the road.
Troark´s in cooperation with Espen Surnevik won the new Øster Porsgrunn church competition with their proposal “Reis Opp”.
They asked us to portray our inner vision of their project in order to present it to the municipality.
Regardless of your religious inclination a church is always a really interesting architectural object to illustrate and we enjoyed the task for sure.
Øster Porsgrunn Church burned down to the ground on 11th of April 2011 to the great sadness of the entire city population. Hopefully they will get a new one pretty soon.


Aesthetically, it is the best project located at the busiest part of the city.

Designed for the middle and upper middle class.
Client wanted its asthetic values to the highest level with a regular internal planning.

In a weeks time, these renders were delivered.
hopefully, you guys will appreciate.

OS Penthouse by The Craft

Design stage followup and crafting visuals so the owner can approve the interior design of this penthouse in Tel Aviv, Israel.

This was a unique project in that we followed up the design stages one room at a time, doing many versions to show the owner how everything will look like.