Nivy Restaurant by Talcik&Demovicova

For NIVY Restaurant project we were approached by client to visualize and create interior design that would attract potential renters of attractive twenty-ninth floor space crowning the new city tower. We envisioned a design that would marry sleek modern elegance with natural materials used throughout there rest of the tower and building complex using complementary palette of rich dark wood and stone against bright metals and glass detailing. The shapes of space, particularly the wooden ceiling and bar should evoke the meandering floodplanes from which the building complex and this location derives its name.

With the imagery, we wanted to focus on the selling points of this space, the strong vantage point high above ground with view of all the city has to offer, from its Old Town district to fast developing downtown with its high rise towers such as the ones from Zaha Hadid visible dominantly on horizon.

We didn’t want to neglect small details that the eye can explore within and had great time creating them, such as the food compositions or the chef preparing them, done fully in CGI.

Photography of backplates and HDRi used to light the space were likewise created by us and used to render the image in print resolution of 7680px width in Corona renderer. Hope you enjoy the images as much as we had working on them.

Frame house by MariaKovaleva

Never before collected such constructions, I really wanted to understand. Something simple did not want to do. Once the house was assembled, a desire to visualize appeared, the idea was to show a house that merged with nature, but not using bionics.

In circles by Fat Tony studio

“in circles” was a personal project of mine, where i tried to focus on the “extraordinary” part in the film, rather then perfect visual. Of course everyone is aiming for best visual result, but sometimes archviz film are lacking spirit, and this is what i tried to achieve with this animation.

Alexander Glek by

В своей работе я хотел показать красоту и мощь русского дождя. Прочувсттвовать капельки дождя на своем лице , ощутить мощь природы, это всегда делало меня счастливым. И я решил выплеснуть эти эмоции на холст. Это было довольно трудно потому что я впервые столкнулся с сотворением “мокрой” визуализацией, и так же пришлось идити на риск вызвать неодобрение со стороны заказчика. Но я подумал и решил что я должен быть не просто ремесленником, но и творцом и развивать направление архитектурной визуализации в своей стране.

Hampton by Hilton in Swarzęd by db GROUP Jezierska Janiszewski spółka jawna / Małgorzata Jezierska

The challenge for me was two show 4 different zones of the hotel lobby at the same time. I wanted to add more realism to the project so I tried to add Vray fog in the interior scene which it was hard to control. I rendered images with 8000 px width and add a lot of noise(to make the renders faster) , then resized them in photoshop. I would appreciate your C&C

Narc by Seyed Iman Kimiaei

Zakopane is a recreational city in the south of Poland , there are lots of green areas and mountains surrounding this city. The Idea was to create the Parking lot on top of the building therefor the joy of being isolated between the mountains starts at the very beginning. The parking ramp gives a monumental feeling to the building.