Schiphol New Terminal by KAAN Architecten

B&TB + KAAN Architecten: Competition Won
New Schiphol Airport Terminal
KAAN Architecten, in collaboration with Estudio Lamela, ABT bv, Ineco and with the support of Arnout Meijer Studio, DGMR Adviseurs and Planeground, won the new Amsterdam Airport Schiphol Terminal for Amsterdam Airport Schiphol, set for completion in 2023.
It was great to be part of this gigantic project.

Crematorium Hofheide by RCR Arquitectes

This is the first of a, we hope to be long, series of conceptual images that will serve us to explore new workflows and approaches.
The Crematorium of Hofheide talks about communication with nature and the bond with us when we return to it in a space of serenity and comfort.