Darkroom by Saeed Mandegar

This is my last tutorial which is made by our team

Master: Aref Razavi
Modeling: Marzie Mehdipoor
Modeling / Lighting / Materials: Saeed Mandegar
Render / Post Production: Aref Razavi & Saeed Mandegar

Tutorial narrator: Erfan Alizadeh
Sounds: Parking Records Studio

all rights reserved to Zavir Academy.

the exterior by rakesh kumar

‘the exterior’.its a house render spread in acres of land,with a swimming pool in front it and a large garden to showcase its beauty.we have got a plan of this and said to give your the best of our imagination to client, and after a lot of researches and nights i reaches to this point.its a different kind of construction not to be seen nowadays, i mean with arches and pillar with conical shape.