Urban Blue Zone by 3D Studio Prins

There was a big tender In Utrecht (The Netherlands) for a big area between 2 rail tracks. It had to be filled with a lot of housing and some retail. Mecanoo asked us to make the visuals of their design. The visuals needed to have this summerish feeling. The concept of Mecanoo referred to the so-called Blue Zones. Areas where people will live longer and healthier. Something that should be reflected in the visuals.

Chasing stones by Nikolay Atanasov Atanasov

..the project was an exercise and experiment with 3d scanning surfaces and objects and also playing and comparing some of my old medium format B&W scans’ dynamic range trying to match the grayscale dynamic range…Having revisited some of Tarkovsky and Kubrik’s favourite moments in their work in Solaris and Space Odyssey was eager to use the trill see where it goes..

From ARCHICAD to Twinmotion by Martin krasemann

Latest project realized with ARCHICAD and rendered in real-time with Twinmotion. The project was created for an online join webinar between Graphisfot US and Abvent to promote both ARCHICAD and Twinmotion new features.

If you want to try Twinmotion, it’s free for 20 days!
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