SWATI CRIMSON by Team Impact 3D

Swati Crimson 4 BHK Apartment developed under Swati is Planned and designd through the eyes of its Patron. Designed for it’s Future Residence From the basics to the modern amenities, every Project is completed it its own rights. But every completed project acts as a motivator to us as it lays the foundation for our next project. With a belief of changing the good to better and the better to best, we continuously strive to evolve, improve and change.

Natural Bathroom by Agnieszka Kozlowska & Adam Klich

We would like to present the “Natural Bathroom” project. Balance of nature and architecture is a key of the design. We believe that nature is an influencer in the world of architecture so our goal was to show the connection between them….

Sometimes it is worth to consider if we minimize impact and disturb nature as little as possible. Isn’t it a great idea to include a close relationship with nature?

The project is full CGI, we used our skills to visualize this space with adequate atmosphere and attention to details. Because as Steve Jobs said: “Details matter, it’s worth getting it right.”

Russian Residential Competition by Oliver Hessian

UP Architects developed a concept from the detailed competition brief for an organisational system for the residential units that worked well within the brief constraints. Hessian Design joined the team to provide a material and facade expression for this system. The idea is that within the organisation structure there are many different possibilities for facade expression using a pop-out module or set back balcony as the pieces to compose an elevation. Three different building typologies were identified in the brief and the images represent 2 of them with different material and organisational expressions.

Waterfall Park by Tomasz Michalski

Project situated in Waterfall Park Valley, New Zealand. Design includes Wellness Retreat by the Waterfall, Corten Chapel, Hotel Buildings situated along the stream and refurbished Heritage Buildings.

The main difficulty of the project was to re-create Valley’s environment. This broad and complex landscape consists of riparian greenery patches by the stream, few different types of forests and Ayrburn domain with warm and arid environment.