Göteborg apartment by Konstantinos Douzis

This one was laying in my hard disk unfinished for quite some time now.
It’s inspired by an existing apartment in Göteborg, Sweden modified to my taste and needs.
I used a lot of free (as far as I can remember) props from around the net.
The rest I modeled them myself.

My intention was to produce a more warm, pleasant and familiar look, something that feels more homelike and not a perfectly designed space, that will felt somehow “stiff” and set, like the ones you meet a lot in the design magazines and some architectural renders.
I even tried to make some deliberate shooting “mistakes” to give a touch of “amateurism”.

Blender, Cycles, Filmic Blender (Always and forever).
40min/image on CPU+GPU(GTX 1060).
Post production done in my favourite software for still images Darktable

Green Houses 2018 by Enrico Cerica

Long time with no post 😉
Playing around with Octane Standalone V4.0 RC2 and medium volume, I rendered this project I revisit from time to time when new version of Octane are released.
Modeled with Blender
Rendered using PT kernel.