Louis Boulle by wood1960

“Everyone knows the effects of volumes placed against the light: the result, as we know,
is that the shadows reproduce these volumes. We owe the birth of the art of painting to this phenomenon.”
Boullée, Architecture, Essai sur l’art

Home street home by Panoptikon

For some, ‘home’ can be a place they can identify with, where a neighbour is a friend, where the ‘outside’ is as safe as the ‘inside’, where public space is looked after by the entire community.
These are a few of the values we tried to express in this view of a new urban village in Noisy-le-Grand, designed by MGAU Michel Guthmann Architecture Urbanisme.
This image was made with our usual blend of 3dsmax, vray and ps.

What is ‘home’ to you?

You can find more information about our work below.

Please visit our revamped website at www.thepanoptikon.com

Tesseract and nature by Juan Carlos Saldivar

Firstly when i observe around of my city and country many times I think about the damage to nature along time of humanity, and the duality of the artificial versus natural from that the idea arose, and i wanted to insert the concept of the time with the geometry of the tesseract (Fourth dimension), and the damage like destroyed trees inmediatlty around of cube to generate contrast with the others normal trees.
This project take me around of six months of this year, but only i could work on my free time and also because i learned some things. The materiales like concrete, glass, steel, stainless steel, wood and all vegetation were the principal elements of all images. The level of detail was thought from the beginning for the two close ups. I used 3ds max, vray 3.6 and after effects for exr format. Time of rendering was around of 14 and 22 hours for each image with procesor intel 5820k.

You can see the view 360° with the next link


If you like my work, you can follow me on my Behance and facebook.


Abandoned Room #1 by Ibrahim Alameer

This is my new project , at this project I tried to mix between modern and classic using an imaginary old abandoned interior space mixed with modern furniture ,
I also tried to get the photography feeling of interior Catalogues for both lighting and composition .
I intend to make other interior spaces with the same style in the near future .

please check high resolution work on Behance :