Interior Dark Cafe by Arash Zia

Interior Dark cafe is a project located in Ahvaz city of Iran. A place for friendly discussions of people. For modelling the project I used 3ds max 2017. For rendering I used V-ray 3.6. And then I used photoshop for postproduction if the project.

Fortune Plaza by Dmitriy Tereshchuk

We got inspired by the Fortune Plaza project by P&T Group and decided to visualize it for practice purposes. We adhered to the smallest technical details and it was an incredible project to work on. Particularly, the shape of the building made the project quite challenging, but we were very satisfied upon its completion.
Location: Beijing, China
Architects: P&T Group | Visualization: Terodesign studio
Soft: 3dsmax, Coronarenderer, Photoshop
Oсtober 2018