Nightcrawler #1 by Radu Serban

After some years of working only for commissioned projects I’ve managed to find some time for a few personal projects. The images stared up like studies after browsing photography and cinematography articles and the main goal was to do them in one day during my office hours (between commissioned projects). I will post them here in order from first to last. C&C are more than welcome.

Observatory House Competition by Billy Wong

This is one of the images of a design submission for a public competition. The architectural program prompts for a retreat space for astronomy enthusiasts. The site is located at a historical site in Roccascalegna, Italy.
This project is an experiment with OctaneRenderer and 3DS Max as our studio was looking for systematic and efficient ways to produce architectural visualization. Since then, we started using GPU for both everyday workflow and final production.

Wood and Leather by Jonatan Mercado

Personal project in my spare time to test light, mood, and texture.
Blender and Cycles.

You can see that my post processing in Blender is not a big thing: A bit of glare, chromatic aberration and power grading to achieve better contrast and some mood.

I have a GTX1080 and at this resolution, it took 2 hours per frame approx.
In order to optimize, I do a lot of small things that in the end helped me to render within CUDA and not stepping into CPU world.
e.g. I weight painted the portion on the fabric which would have some contrast with the asset in the back or with the background, and with that, I can spare thousands of particles.
I’m in a path following the greatest ones, Bertrand Benoit is one of my heroes, hope someday become as good as they.

Please, let me know what do you think.
Textures from and some assets too