Aurora by iddqd studio

Boundless night as far as the eye can see, a stillness of ice in the deafening silence.
The abyssal darkness as the canvas for the phenomenal Aurora Australis.
This is an architectural CGI of a creative concept by our visualization studio. The glowing spheres of Aurora, an international research station, are an extension of the raw wonder, not interfering with the natural order of things

3DS Max | Realflow | ZBrush | Vray | Nuke | Photoshop

The Cartway by Vicky Bedford

Hi everyone, I was recently asked to visualise what was currently an empty shell/carpark (I’ve uploaded a photo of the current space) into a restaurant style market place. The images were needed to entice new occupiers, who were currently struggling to imagine their brand within the empty space. No interior design ideas had been explored and I was asked to conceptually design the space as well as producing the CGI’s. It was a fun little project to work on with no constraints on design, I was allowed to let the creative juices flow. Everything I love in an interior CGI project! I hope you enjoy the images, I focused on getting as much of the original detail into the space as possible.

Let me know your thoughts and thanks for looking!
