Mist and Fun by Vladimir Vitanov

This is a conceptual work we did in our free time, working on it about a month. The main idea is to focus on the activities in the city – traffic, different types of people walking around, large scale mixed-use buildings. The accent does not fall on a certain building, but the beauty of mega city and life in it. We tried to depict the variety of activities happening every day and the stories that happen in each moment. Software used: 3ds max, Photoshop and Zbrush

Dunaj by David Sandrik

This is our last project called Dunaj. We were commissioned to create visuals for interiors and exteriors. Architecture practice JRKVC kept the whole design very simple but with high quality materials. We approached exterior shots in the same way. They are lit with very soft sun light and soft sky. Interior shots on other hand were designed by us. We created three looks for each shot to target different types of potential clients.

Bangla by Joe Maganga

I was scrolling through the internet streets when I came across these two images below. One was a digital painting by Fei Giap while the other is a photo of the old apartments in Hong Kong city. I was addicted to these images. I remember thinking it would be nice to recreate this ambience in CGI. I dived into Cinema 4D as soon as I had free time on my hands

Professional 3D Rendering of a Design Studio by ArchiCGI

The most striking feature of this studio design is probably the way the designer plays with raw and refined, modern and conservative, simple and solemn. Amazingly, he kept this fragile balance with mathematical accuracy to achieve the stunning elegance you see at this 3D rendering. Furthermore, abundant greenery of plants refreshes the white look of studio interior and plays well with wooden window frames and furniture elements. The design at rendering looks very natural and relaxing.

A white wooden table is placed at the centre of the studio project. The shape reminds us of long old-fashioned dining tables we know, and yet… the geometrical lightness of its structure and immaculate white contrasts with the heavy wooden interior stereotype you just imagined. The designer plays with it one more time by placing at the head of the table white red chairs opposed to the soft white gray of the rest. Nevertheless, this subordination is not very pronounced in the design of this studio. On the contrary, the identical shapes and gray coloring make for a more democratic and relaxed look. The studio rendering talks to a viewer in a way. It basically says: “Yes, we respect authority, but belong to a new age. And yes, we honor the traditions, but we create them for ourselves”.

Another striking feature of this professional 3D rendering of a design studio is that the peaceful harmony we see is based on a raging war of contradicting shapes. Again, the artist walks on the edge and nails it! Thus, the rectangular shape of the table is reflected in similar shapes of the cabinets, door frame. At the same time, it is balanced with hemispherical armchairs, circular lampshades and indoor plants pots.

If you have some amazing ideas of your own – don’t hesitate to share them with us!

We’ll be glad to help you to break the stereotypes.

Archicgi visualization studio has extensive experience in providing rendering services and can make your dream design presentation real.