Private House design by Dimitar Gongalov

This is a project of a private . The terrain is sloped and there is a direct view towards the Black Sea. The house is 3-stored. On the lowest level there are big storage and technical room, and barbecue room; on the ground floor take place the living room, kitchen and dining room; on the upper floor there are 3 bedrooms. In the garden there is a BBQ and a pool.

The perfect bnb by Muhammad Ibrahim

“Home” was the word that used to be very personal and depicted emotions of that varied person to person. With modern times came modern trends – such as renting out private spaces for the sake of earning more money – that have taken away the beauty of such emotions and private spaces leaving behind empty and silent spaces which might be filled with people but lack the emotional integrity and richness. The visual depicts the transformation of a “home” into a “house”.