Sheraton Kitchen Interior by Pikcells

We know that strong design is essential to create an effective image. Each of our CG interiors are planned, designed and styled before the 3D process begins. Adding high quality, detailed props to a scene helps to add authenticity, but good CGI isn’t just a process of adding detailed products.
Here our stylists have used the clients kitchen products to great effect combining gloss and matt slab doors with lighter natural oaks.

B&TB + Digsau: Here comes the summer!!! (at last) by Beauty and The Bit

Time to pack up flip-flops and Hawaiian t-shirts…
We´ll spend some good times in our catamarans smoking big cigars and drinking mimosas on the upper deck.
September we´ll come back with really cool new projects and new adventures in Hi-Fi.
Till then, our unconditional love.
One more for the road: a cool project we did with our nice friends of Digsau in Philly.