Park Road Residence by Matt Clayton

We were initially asked to produce a single rear elevation shot of this new private residence to be built in Hale, just outside of Manchester – UK. There was a lot of back and forth with various brick selections to help with the design process and this is the end result. Following the success of this shot we’re now due to complete a shot of the front elevation as well as 2 internal VRs for further marketing purposes.

For more info visit our main website, link in bio.

Siesta by Lucia Frascerra

Ages ago, I found on Pinterest a pretty cool photo of Porto, and I kept it into my inspirations folder ever since. Every now and then I would go back to that image, and every single time it would strike me how beautiful the composition, the colours, and the light were. Because I liked it a lot, I started thinking about how cool it would have been to recreate the image in 3D to see if I could get a similar result to the original photo. This was a completely new approach for me and it turned out to be a very interesting experiment and a really valuable exercise. Hope you like it! 😎😎

Original Photo:
Credits for the original Photo: David Miller –

3d buildings: Kitbash 3D