CGI: School De Boomgaard by Mikhail Sizov

Primary school “De Boomgaard”
(age 4-12 year) was based on two location because of the lack of space.
The extension will give the Boomgaard enough space for the future.
We wanted tp make a wooden school.
Construction, interior, facade all-in wood.
The floorplans are very efficient in creating a central space for all the kids
in the same age group (there will be 7) classrooms with 30 kids each in the age 4-6,
and then there are 3 classrooms for every next year.
The wooden extension is fort he first three classes: age 4-7 year.

Centre-Ville by Boris trevfoda

It was a very unusual and interesting project. The visualization was made to order a French Agency, but I decided to slightly modify and Refine the project for fun. I really hope that I was able to convey the atmosphere of a French morning. If you like the project, please rate it.
Location: Ambarès-et-Lagrave, France
client: Hubstairs
visualization: Boris Trevgoda
modelling: Ilya Ilyin, Sergey Buligyn, Anton Kosobruhov

Glass igloos in the Nothern Lights by KirilloTRON

Back in September 2019, I came across an advertisement for a snow resort in the depths of Lapland. I was amazed by the concept of observing northern lights, or as they also know “Aurora Borealis” in specially equipped glass igloos and caught fire with the idea of making my own interpretation of this kind of recreation, besides I had little experience in creating large landscape environments, so it’s time for Bob Ross style. 

You could say that I have stuffed a lot of bumps in the course of this work. The main difficulties I encountered were snow materials, the image of the aurora itself by means of 3ds max, managing large environments as well as the need to get the final image in 8K resolution for future purposes. It so happened that this project I was engaged in from time to time and what began in autumn, lasted more than six months. During this time I managed to make a project for which also had to work with snow, which led me to the decision to finish this work.

The auroras proved to be quite a non-trivial task, given their methods of origin, the height at which they arise, and their overall impact on the lighting of the environment.
I didn’t really want to do them on the post, because it wouldn’t help me with the self-education that I always try to follow.
It turned out that there weren’t too many methods and lessons to create these things freely available. Various methods have been tried, ranging from splines with noises on top of them to particle simulation. The latter was the most physically correct but consumed an unreasonable amount of resources that I don’t have.

In the same way, I had to optimize the resources of the scene by assembling the final renderer of several, splitting the scene into the background, middle and foreground, as well as the main one, both to save memory and because of the limitations of the Corona Renderer on the rendering air perspective. I guess after all this, I’ll probably do some making off of how I did this project because there’s more to share on the way to the finals.

Because of the latest events in the world, it was doubly nice to try to depict what we are now deprived of. Outdoor walks, freedom to travel and the simple joy of natural phenomena.
I hope that by looking at this render you can, even if you are at home, feel the comfort, majesty of nature and clean winter air, which I tried to convey.

MAKY House by Mario Maleš

MAKY is a concept house that is a part of a bigger housing project in which one key element is multiplied, and by varying the length of the middle elements in an array, large, green and peaceful courtyard is formed, towards which the houses are oriented.
More images can be found on my behance profile:
or my website:

I hope you like it

Serenity by Shiju NK

It is said that human beings have a natural desire to be connected with nature. It is everyone’s dream to get away from the hustle and bustle of the city, to visit a home away from home. Here, technology takes a backseat. The sound of ripples in the water, rustling of the trees, serenity of the greenery around will leave you mesmerised. While you enjoy dipping your feet in the crystal clear water of the pond, the school of fishes feel like bubbles to the feet, relaxing and rejuvenating your soul.

Doesn’t this sound like a dream? See it for yourself !

Library in Kenya by Max Rymsha

Libraries are really needed where there is a strong lack of education. Samburu in Kenya is one of these places.

There are not many schools across the country, especially in small villages, but children and young people still need knowledge, it’s extremely important for the young brain.

African kids got used to difficult living conditions, so they don’t need a fancy library with luxury design and elegant furniture. All they need is just a Roof above the head to protect from the sun and rain, Walls to protect from the cold wind, Electricity to have some light during the night, Few tablets to reach the Internet, and Tones of Books.

So our library will give them all that they need. We are using Local Wood to provide the frame, 3d-printed Panels to make a roof, Solar Panels & Tesla Power Packs to provide electricity, and Recycled Plastic to make furniture.

Check out the full project here: