Black & Green House by Szymon Biegaj

“Black and Green House” is a non-commercial project based on previous visualizations. The project uses a colour palette limited to three main colours: black, white and green. The application of this approach allowed to obtain a coherent character of all the images. One of the objectives of the project was to combine modern design with more classical elements, or even antiquities. The realization of this objective turned out to be easy thanks to the use of Quixel Megascans library. In our opinion, the more characteristic element of the project is a wall mosaic placed opposite the window. The mosaic was made with surprising ease thanks to the use of quixel mixer tool.

The programs used: 3dsmax, corona renderer, adobe photoshop, quixel megascans, quixel mixer

Horation court, Santa Monica by James Dowling

I came across the architecture of Irving Gill during my travels in America
as I was walking around the streets of Santa Monica passing by Horatio Court.
The simplicity of the houses, the materials and colours are so quintessentially LA
it made me stop and admire the architecture, perfectly blending in
and standing out at the same time.

Back home in the UK I wanted to re-create this iconic housing block in 3D – focussing on capturing the “LA vibe” and showing off the combination of the simple geometric shapes forming the houses.

Gold & Cashmere Kitchen by Richard Benson

Here we’ve used our clients kitchen layout to craft this art deco inspired gold and cashmere interior. The subtle art deco style works perfectly whilst still remaining modern and on-trend. As usual we’ve used 3D Studio Max and rendered with Corona Renderer with composition and colour grades in Fusion Studio 16 and additional tweaks and adjustments in Photoshop.

The full set for this client can be found here >