Rainfall House by Szymon Biegaj, Mariia Bońkowska

Rainfall House is a commercial project created in cooperation with the design studio “DG Architekci” The location of the building allowed us to obtain a unique climate of the rainy countryside. In the project we used different lighting variants for different types of shots in order to show each picture in the most beneficial way. The subdued color palette allows the recipient to better focus on the reception of the architecture itself. To make the images we used programs : 3ds max, corona renderer, adobe photoshop. A library of quixel megascans models was also a great help for us.

The L28 Culinary Platform by Yones

L28 Culinary Platform is a restaurant, an accelerator for innovative chef entrepreneurs, and an incubator for new and creative interpretations of Israeli cuisine. Named after its address on 28 Lilienblum Street, L28 is at the heart of Tel Aviv’s booming startup ecosystem