Maersk Tower by Szymon Biegaj

The “Maersk Tower” is a non-commercial project created in free time over the last year.
Looking for a suitable topic for realization, our attention was drawn to the Maersk Tower building located in Copenhagen.
It is distinguished by its unique architectural form and interesting texture created by façade panels.
It also has exceptionally well-designed landscape elements connecting the building itself with the surrounding terrain.
The unique architectural design has allowed us to find a lot of very attractive frames, which have become the basis for our animation.

From a technical point of view, the main goal of the project was to use the Corona as the main rendering engine and to achieve a quality similar to static visualizations.

In the project we used two lighting options.The first one using the HDR lighting method and the second hybrid model introducing additional Corona Sun.

In the animation we used great music composed by Ian Post and available on

DISAPPEARING – Orchard Jenga by Duy Phan

I have cherished this shot since I first saved it as a scene in my sketchup file long ago (which you can see in the comment below). This shows part of my inspiration discovery for architectural ideas and visual extraction. I can’t say how much love I have for 3ds-max but Sketchup keeps pulling me back, especially at the very beginning of the work, when I was trying to set out the project’s potential frames.

Next to the main building, part of my proposal back then, is a huge local traffic roundabout. In collaboration with the aquaponic farming tower, this large open space is proposed to be transferred into a public multi-level square. Here, flower garden covering on the top, underneath, the supporting structure is framed by a 5x5m grid which creates a semi-open outdoor gallery or pop-up hawker market.

Part of the products coming from the urban farm could be distributed into this market where cultural and educational activities related to urban farming can be held to raise the awareness of a food-lacking future.

The image here captures the moment of a summer weekend night, when everyone was visiting an exhibition curated within the new square and a funny rain decided to join so suddenly. Some are well prepared with their umbrella, some still have no idea about the wetting guest is coming, some others are looking up to see half of the farming tower is eaten by the rain, other half is shining under the streetlight seconds before fully disappearing.

DISAPPEARING – Orchard Jenga

Design & visual by Duy Phan

Work in Progress by Mihai Macavei

Making the future…part two:
“My take on skyscrapers and organic architecture.
A possible vision of an architectural civilization habitat, one of the most efficient ways to live in a new future era.
CGI Illustration, a personal project done with Corona, 3ds Max and Photoshop, testing how much parametric architecture and Grasshopper skills can fit in can you fit in 64 GB of RAM.
The answer is at least an organic architectural shape.
Enjoy and stay tuned for more…” – Mihai Macavei

#futurology #technology #orbit #3dsmax #Hintarchitecture #cgi #future #architecture #concept #coronarender #thefuture #photoshop #habitation #design #artificial #illustration #rhinoceros #grasshopper #personalproject #parametricdesign #parametricarchitecture mihai macavei

Checkmate by Peter Janov

A non-commercial architectural visualization project of an imaginary space designed only for this purpose. The concept of this project was inspired by the work of a French artist Noémie Goudal and Carl Hansen & Søn catalog photos.