Cafe loge (Full cgi Animation) by Yahya jafari

“Cafe loge” Interior animation-CGI
I had to stay away from the Commissioned project for two years.
This was a great opportunity for me to gain new experiences in this profession.
And that’s why I choose “Cafe Loge” to model it in great detail, create realistic materials and test it countlessly.
I also review my first personal project called “Marvellous House”.
I remastered it and put it inside a glass ball in the corner of this cafe and named it “Marvellous Planet”.
The animation of this project was a big challenge for me because there were two scenes (two different projects) in one file (Marvellous planet & Cafe Loge).
Soon, I will publish the full renders of this scene in two parts (Close-up & View) and in several series of posts.
Softwares/ 3DSmax,Vray,Adobe Photoshop,Forestpackpro,Quixel Bridge
Modelling to Rendering,Color grading to composite And Post Processing by @Yahya_jafari
Also here is some of renderframes of this animation…
Hope you enjoy it…

GOEMAERE by Alexander Suharukov

Location | Liege, Belgium
Year | 12.2021
Soft | 3ds Max, Corona renderer, Adobe Photoshop CC, Itoo Forest Pack

Personal project. Winter mood.

Enjoy the view!

Pop Up Book 3D Animation – Life Apartments by VisEngine Digital Solutions

Animated pop up book as a new take on real estate presentation.
Our client wanted a different approach to the presentation of a residential complex, so we were challenged to do something different from our regular projects.
However, the main aim of the video was to show all the amenities of the neighbourhood, so the emphasis was put on three main advantages: spectacular architecture, abundant greenery and recreational areas.
Quite an original challenge for the VisEngine Digital Solutions team – and we loved it!

Castle Ruins by Descover Studio

Castle Ruins

Typology: Exhibition Centre
Location: France
Visualization: Descover Studio

When you think about the Middle Ages, what do you picture? Knights in shining armor? Castles and kings and queens and serfs? We’d be lying if we said that isn’t the very first thing we think of, ourselves.

That’s a great pleasure to know that nowadays we have an opportunity to visit a lot of modern Exhibition Centres.
To your attention creative concept of one of them which we did for one of our clients.

At Descover Studio strive and challenge ourselves to combine practical ideas with cutting-edge trends and technology to make our renders visually appealing as well as functional.