Cake Please by Peter Ang

“Cake Please” is a personal project to practice my ZBrush since it been a while I haven’t play with it and also to push my render as good as possible using Corona Renderer. I have a lot of fun doing this project and learned some tricks in zbrush. The compositions are inspired from different photos in the internet. I know its too much images for a cake render but i couldn’t resist the rustic look of it everytime i change the camera angle.

Hope you drool all over the images as much as i do. I will be making a free video tutorial of this soon which will be break into sections covering how i set up my light using Corona Renderer and export, importing in zbrush and detailing the cake, texturing and and last is post processing. So stay tune on my facebook page for the announcement.

Don’t forget to visit my youtube channel for the full tutorial on this project.

OS Penthouse in TLV by The Craft

Starting with just the living room visuals and design follow-up, this project expanded to all other rooms of the sea facing penthouse in northern Tel-Aviv, Israel.

This is an ongoing project, but some of the rooms are done and we can show them now.

The architect uses SketchUp to design and we do some work at this level too, to get things in sync, before we move on with the actual images.

Modern Interior by Vladimir Gorokhov

Monochrome and eclecticism were the main stylistic features of this project.

When the design was paid great attention to the functional characteristics of each room, taking into account that each zone has turned in its unique. The kitchen-living room with minimal decor, spacious lobby, children in a minimalist style and a classic bedroom emphasize the individuality of each family member.

Opposing styles blend harmoniously thanks to black-and-white color scheme, which is the main in interior.

Superhouse Amid the Trees by Ronen Bekerman

I took the Superhouse to the forest, contrasting the horizontal white house with the dark verticals of the trees.

I’ve tried and used Corona Renderer in the past for a production project, but really dived in during this masterclass. The way it works and what it offers enabled me to focus on exploring more views, more lighting options and get the feedback I needed faster with less tinkering around.

I used Corona Renderer this time, abusing the interactive render and super cool multiple region render feature. Forest Pack played a big role here in creating the forest environment.

I’m further developing this scene these days, and hopefully will be able to share the next iteration soon 😉

Thank you for watching!
