Bridge in China by Stéphane Curtelin

Is a bridge necessarily a vehicle passing place ? This bridge project in China aims to prove the opposite. Inspired by the finesse and lightness of the dance, the bridge is intended to be a space of organized and fast mobility while allowing everyone to rest and meditate in complete tranquility.

Diplomatic space by Mohamed bouslama

I had a call from one of the biggest architectural studios in Tunis – “Tasmeem”, asking me to illustrate their design of the Kuwaiti Ambassador’s home interior. The main challenge was the short deadline. 5 scenes in 3 days were for me a new record to beat.

I started from a CAD plan, imported it and modeled it in 3DSMax. Then I searched for Arabic classical furniture models, which was quite difficult to find because… no one cares
That’s why I’ve modeled from scratch a non-existent furniture. Daylight is made by Peter Guthrie’s HDRI + sun + artificial light. For Post-production I’ve used Photoshop and Lightroom.

LIMIT – Viewpoint in Pulpit Rock by Piotr Synal

The intervention’s aim is to offer the visitor experience to enjoy Lysefjord fabulous landscape in two different way. The Program is set in two different levels, being the upper one the pulpit rock for the laying on hammocks in comfort and the one below is the level of more extreme view, as a result of the idea of breaking the limit.

This is not the traditional viewpoint that affects the environment and shows nothing more than the view. Our proposal does not damage the environment and additionally give you the ability to break its own borders.

Son Macià Villa by Benjamín Matamalas

We started modeling the house from a simple box. For the grass we used old grass-o-matting plugin and scattered with MultiScatter. For the trees and some plants we used Evermotion models and 3d scanned models, these models were scanned by us from photographs and other references in order to get exclusive models for our jobs.

We rendered it with V-Ray and a standard set-up and some elements were rendered and composite in Photoshop.