LIMIT – Viewpoint in Pulpit Rock

The intervention’s aim is to offer the visitor experience to enjoy Lysefjord fabulous landscape in two different way. The Program is set in two different levels, being the upper one the pulpit rock for the laying on hammocks in comfort and the one below is the level of more extreme view, as a result of the idea of breaking the limit.

This is not the traditional viewpoint that affects the environment and shows nothing more than the view. Our proposal does not damage the environment and additionally give you the ability to break its own borders.

Son Macià Villa

We started modeling the house from a simple box. For the grass we used old grass-o-matting plugin and scattered with MultiScatter. For the trees and some plants we used Evermotion models and 3d scanned models, these models were scanned by us from photographs and other references in order to get exclusive models for our jobs.

We rendered it with V-Ray and a standard set-up and some elements were rendered and composite in Photoshop.

Travel Services Center – First Prize in Invitational Competition

Located between the low-lying neighborhood of Puu-Raksila and the high-rising city center, the complex will connect districts through large, arching openings puncturing through a dynamic, horizontal profile, while providing new housing for the city.

(ArchDaily, 18 January, 2017)

The aim of the visuals was to show how the scale and the character of the building are woven into the city.

Our job was to support this concept, and show it the best possible way. Because of the three very different views, we made a heavy, detailed 3D model of the whole environment, and not only the building itself.

Supporting the core concept, we added city activities to the still images: all the details tell something about the building’s functionality.

This level of richness is in a harmonic contrast with the very simple but brilliant design of the building.