The Park

Image modeled in 3Dsmax 2017 using Multiscatter for grass and Multipainter for trees. Grass is from Vizpark and trees are from Evermotion. Final image rendered with Vray using Brute Force + Brute Force for GI and minor tweaks added in Photoshop (fog, curves).


Unlike previous works, this image has taken us longer than usual to arrive at a result that pleases us to show to the client. Luckily they liked it and the house is under construction. In a few months I hope to post a picture of the real house.

Long Drive

I was watching a Movie and therein I saw a beautiful shot of a car running on a road with lots of trees around. So I thought I would recreate that shot in 3d with one of my favorite cars and a similar kind of environment around it. This recreation made me get involved in modeling, texturing, lighting, rendering real-time Motion Blur etc., Hope this looks good.