Stair CGI

Beautiful stair CGI we created for a high end stair manufacturer based in Norway. We created technically accurate and lifelike images with wonderful interior designs the client supplied.

We used Vray, 3dsmax, Photoshop and After Effects to create this image.

The afternoon hall

This house should be built in Bragança Paulista – SP, Brazil. But the final client wanted something more rustic and the architect have to redo the entire project.
I tryed use simetry and alignment on the center. Since the begining of the project, I wanted to make something rustic and modern at the same time with a dramatic air.

Cooling Tower

Lately, after spending so much (fun) time with Corona Renderer, I thought about getting back to VRay for a while, just to keep up with the features and remember how to use also this render engine.
What came up of this is an image I’ve called
“Cooling Tower”, an image of a lonely but strong tree still growing in such harsh environment.