BTB Image Of The Month December: Milestones

Another year passed. Endless hours of climbing our own mountain.
We left the base camp years ago and we are heading upwards.
Our fingers are freezing but in some days we will be having some rest.
Time for renewal, for re-focus and drawing new plans in the ascent to this mountain.
This next year is going to be full of bloody nice surprises. We promise.
Thanks for hanging there.
Beauty and The Bit Team

Christmas CG Kitchens 2017

Last years Christmas CG images went down so well that we created 2 sets this year. Both designed by our Senior Designer Tan, fully CG, no with no photography at all. We used photogrammetry techniques to create some really nice food models. Read more here Superb job on this project from Darren, Jordan, Rich Ip, Ben and Jon.

Wooden house on the Tallusjärvi lake

This was modeling project of the beautiful 100 years old house for the client. After we finish the model, we decide that the best way is to put the house on some natural environment. Searching the internet we found the beautiful lake in Finland called Tallusjärvi and decide to put it near the water and wooden dock.