
The main goal of the concept was to capture the building early in the morning while it is “waking up”. Everything and everyone else is still asleep. Some of the students are already in, while others are just arriving. I believe that this scenario gives the opportunity for the building to stand out and really catch the viewer’s eye. Surroundings remain complementary and in contrast to the subject. Fog and vignette are adding more depth and better pronunciation of the background, middleground and foreground. Wet surfaces, puddles and reflections are adding more drama to the scene. Overall I was trying to keep it rather natural and realistic, but with emphasis on art and story behind it.

Making of Art Gallery Part ONE – Corona Renderer and V-Ray

You’ve seen this work by Pavel Huerta as part of AXYZ Design’s new ANIMA release, and today I’m very happy to share the first part of a making-of Pavel wrote, diving into the process of making the “Art Gallery Animation”. He did it with Corona Renderer, V-Ray and Unreal Engine which makes it a unique case study!

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Motel Story

Hi all, here’s just a little something, a new personal project, the motel story. Highly inspired by Photographer Kourtney Roy. Created with vrayforc4d and Photoshop. Hope you like it. Project link

Forest house

This Project was created with a week long deadline. Although there was not much restriction in terms of build-ability, the design team felt compelled to come of with a design that blends with its surrounding. The first step to achieving this visual was to create the model in Sketchup, and after several design discussions, the final design was imported into 3ds max. It was here that I began to work with the model. The most challenging thing about the process was creating the topography with little to none information as reference. A solution to this problem was to attempt to generate a topography via Sketchup Geo-location. This gave me a near accurate topography to work with and later imported into 3ds max and placed accurately in the correct position.