I always tried to create different scenes but If I want to be serious its hard to start without inspiration.the key of nice renders is on the objects,lights and Initial can find Initial Impact in Nature and what Effect on the environment.try to Imagine oxidized tools or effect the sun.this work is strat when i find the scanned model and give it details and retopology in mudbox.all shaders is layered PBR materials and render is under Hi res 4K image and Brute force+Brute force GI in vray.and its the result :)))
softwares : blender-3dsmax-mudbox-vray-photoshop+topaz plugins
see more info in my website :

Terrace House by Shigeru Ban

What determines the permanence of a building is not he wealth of the developer or the materials that are used, but the simple quesiton of wheter or not the resulting structure is supported and loved by the people

Richter Bar – Restaurant

It’s about a bar-restaurant in Chicago,USA.The style of restaurant is mix of industrial & modern.The idea for interior design was earthquake.The cracks on the walls & floor,broken walls and materials (as leather & marble) & the name of restaurant (Richter) are inspired by idea.

Green Kitchen

my new course name is “3D Geniuses”

in this course we help students find their talents.
Get a beautiful rendering in a short time


It was for a competition in Germany. The task was to reorganize a Baroque building to an archive. All things in the scene was renderd also the people.Finally the colorcorrection was in Photoshop.