Some uplifting moods for starting this year.
We are long time fans of SLA attention to detail and how they craft these urban landscapes. For one reason or another their projects always end up as a pictoresque and inviting representation of life.
This is an image we made time ago for their vision of the new Svenborg Harbour front.
Have a nice week you all.

de Nor Concert Hall

The client, DiederenDirrix asked for a concerthall in use. De Nor is an old and very respected concert hall in Heerlen in the Netherlands. The architect asked fot either a party of a band playing. This had to show the new desing of the interior. The work was done with help from CGrender


Images are primarily created with 3ds max, V-Ray and Photoshop. The winter image illustrates clearly the concept of the building and shows the playfulness between the facade and the slightly wonky pine trees around the site.

The aerial view is partly drone photo and partly matte painting. It shows the building in the context of an old military site with the city of Växjö just behind it and the forests of Småland in the horizon.


Hi guys,

This is my new work: Countryside University
Click on Behance for HD:

hope you like it! C&C are welcome!

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Behance: https://www.behance.net/bikkvizb427