Professional 3D Rendering of a Design Studio

The most striking feature of this studio design is probably the way the designer plays with raw and refined, modern and conservative, simple and solemn. Amazingly, he kept this fragile balance with mathematical accuracy to achieve the stunning elegance you see at this 3D rendering. Furthermore, abundant greenery of plants refreshes the white look of studio interior and plays well with wooden window frames and furniture elements. The design at rendering looks very natural and relaxing.

A white wooden table is placed at the centre of the studio project. The shape reminds us of long old-fashioned dining tables we know, and yet… the geometrical lightness of its structure and immaculate white contrasts with the heavy wooden interior stereotype you just imagined. The designer plays with it one more time by placing at the head of the table white red chairs opposed to the soft white gray of the rest. Nevertheless, this subordination is not very pronounced in the design of this studio. On the contrary, the identical shapes and gray coloring make for a more democratic and relaxed look. The studio rendering talks to a viewer in a way. It basically says: “Yes, we respect authority, but belong to a new age. And yes, we honor the traditions, but we create them for ourselves”.

Another striking feature of this professional 3D rendering of a design studio is that the peaceful harmony we see is based on a raging war of contradicting shapes. Again, the artist walks on the edge and nails it! Thus, the rectangular shape of the table is reflected in similar shapes of the cabinets, door frame. At the same time, it is balanced with hemispherical armchairs, circular lampshades and indoor plants pots.

If you have some amazing ideas of your own – don’t hesitate to share them with us!

We’ll be glad to help you to break the stereotypes.

Archicgi visualization studio has extensive experience in providing rendering services and can make your dream design presentation real.

B&TB + SHL: Talking Heads

It is always thrilling to take some risks in what we do and try crazy ideas.
This was the case. The image looks cool and the idea was not so crazy after all…
This great project takes place in Nanjing and comes from our good friends of Schmidt Hammer Lassen.
Have a nice week you all.

The cave

Hi guys, we created this image, just to remind ourselves that sometimes you have to take a risk and get out of your confort zone, explore something new, forget about everything and try to throw yourself. Only in those situation you can discover yourself and understand where you want to go. This image represents all of it.
Continue to follow us and support us. A big hug🥰.
Level team

Fjordseeing shelter in Norway

Full project on Behance:

People discovered fire. Fire keeps us safe and warm. Fire helped people to gather into groups, created families and later – countries. It is the origin of modern life. Thanks to fire, communities left caves and became mobile, having more opportunities to discover the world.

Our fjordseeing shelter opens the possibility to enjoy the beauty of Norwegian fjords 24 hours a day. It allows visitors to appreciate outstanding views under any weather conditions and have rest after the exhausting journey.

The shape of the building emerged from the environment of beautiful Scandinavian land, harsh weather and a hearth aimed to handle these circumstances. It is designed to cause minimal interventions to the natural landscapes, carefully merging humanmade and nature-made forms. Inside, one can find all needed supplies for survival and enjoy 360° view.


Hi guys,

This is my new work: Countryside University
Click on Behance for HD:

hope you like it! C&C are welcome!

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