Art residence in the desert

This project is a future art residence located in the middle of the Ajman desert. With high ceilings and big windows it is a place where the artists are invited to stay and to create/produce their artwork. The stillness and beauty of the surrounding should work as inspiration for all their creative guests.

As for the 3D project, our main focus was the landscape since the style of the residence was minimalistic. We first worked on the ground, the sand was made with the combination of 3 forest. Then, the vegetation was divided by sizes, we had forest for small/medium/large vegetation. The illumination was done with a sun and a sunset HDRi. And finally a little bit of post-production on Photoshop. We hope you like it.


Hi guys, this is my recent personal work which I haven’t done for a while. And I am happy to share with you the result.

“Mushroom project” is the agricultural container system that helps to collect and keep water and sun energy at the same time.

“Mushroom project” is my personal architectural visualization experiment. All these images are based on the photos which I took during my 2 weeks road trip on incredible land of Tasmania in 2018. All the inspiration for this small graphic poetry comes from the spirit of our planet itself. Maybe it really shows my hopes that innovative technology can provide us the many solutions not just to “escape” but to “fix” our terrific mistakes of the past. I’m trying to say that would be really great if such a small piece of digital art can push someone to some positive actions.
Actions of transforming our home in a better place in the near future…

Please visit my Behance

CYNEFIN – Co-Working

So i am a architecture student in India.
This is a office project done in my vacations. This was a fun project where i wanted to explore and learn more about architectural visualization. The software i used was cinema 4d