Aerial view
Made in 3ds max, rendered in Vray
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Practice project
Inspired by Viz Bikk
After looking at an amazing post on 3XN official Instagram profile, we have decided to try a replication challenge!
The real picture is feature by a wonderful lighting and sun reflection on facade not so easy to match in the render. We used 3DS + Vray + Photoshop, furthermore, FloorGenerator modifier helped us in order to replicate the boards cladding over the vertical fins.
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Our main purpose is helping our clients and the final viewer to understand the project in a natural and immersive way.
“The Devil Is In The Detail” is my latest animation.
I will try to take you to a special architecture trip through the anamorphic format and all of its lens effects and distortions and also to take you to a higher level on the the amount of details in textures than any other of my previous animations.
Please watch it at 1080p!
Special Thanks to Mary Carmen Simonín and Ricardo Ortiz for their artistic and technical support!
Thank you for watching!
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