In my personal ARC STREET project, I focussed on creating a realistic and inspiring environment using a strong composition and mixtures of wall textures and colors reflecting the street look.

JS Living Unit

After designing the project we wanted to create images that fulfill the client expectation regarding the interior composition of space and light quality.
We used a mixture of colors and materials like wood, concrete, and white elements to create a vibrant space.
This shot was rendered using 3ds max with V-ray plugin.

Doctors building

…I love Light play in architecture…
..Hi everyone…
In this project we tried to pay attention to the climate and make a relaxed interior places for residents and this is very important for our clients….
Render by yahya jafari
We hope to love it

Making of Mea Terra

A new making-of for 2020 by Fat Tony Studio and their amazing Mea Terra project… Lot’s of insight in this one and you got to love those Turntables!

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Angular House

3D representation of the Angular House project of the Stemmer Rodrigues Architecture Architecture Office.
Software used: 3ds Max, V-Ray, Forest Pack Pro and Photoshop
I found this project very interesting and decided to represent it in 3D
Modeling is simple using only 3ds Max and some Maxtree models.
Lighting is simply an HDRI Dome from HDRIHAVEN
The Materials and rendering I used the V-Ray and some Megascans materials as well.