15th Anniversary of Evermotion

EVERMOTION has been there since before I got started with Architectural Visualization and they keep providing an enormous amount of assets you can use in your daily work. Although the times are far from normal, today they are celebrating their 15th Anniversary with an amazing free collection and shop discounts.

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Hoxton Housing

Getting more into the technical challenges of this project.
The most challenging part was certainly the modelling of the brick pattern. We decided to model every single brick instance to achieve the more realistic result. Unfortunately this wasn’t possible to achieve by simply using displacement maps.
We also started this project using Vray GPU. We really wanted to test the limitations of GPU rendering.
What we found out is that despite being really fast for small scenes, as soon as we started to model some context, we ran quickly out of VRam.
So we had to go back to CPU rendering to finish the project.
Another challenge was to visualise the building from the surrounding streets which were quite narrow and required a wider field of view than we would have liked, however this became an opportunity to make some of the images even more dramatic.

I hope you enjoy the project.
To see more, please visit Texel.digital

House in Monsaraz | Aires Mateus

For our new archviz work, we selected the amazing House in Monsaraz designed by Portuguese architect Aires Mateus and inspired by the talented architectural photographer João Guimarães.
The most important target of our production is to grab and understand the contrasted relationship between this architectural impacting element and the surrounding landscape .
We used 3DS Max + ForestPack + Vray + Photoshop.

Full Project here:

Our first collection of 2D cutout people is available here:

Check this out to find out more about Dark Band Studio
Website: www.darkbandstudio.com
Instagram: www.instagram.com/darkbandstudio
Youtube: www.youtube.com/darkbandstudio