Playful Primary School

Imbued with the audacity of youth, children seek to unravel the mysteries of the world. They are alchemists, blending disparate elements to conjure new realities. Let us fashion realms anew from the elemental shapes of rectangles, circles, and triangles, birthing creatures yet unseen!
In the playground of the young, bravery knows no bounds. Here, mistakes are but stepping stones on the path to discovery. Yet amidst their diversity, all children share a singular quest: the relentless pursuit of knowledge! Imagine a school not confined to the rigid boundaries of curriculum, but a sanctuary where each child’s unique talents find nourishment and flourish.
What if, in Africa’s classrooms, the dance of learning intertwines with the rhythms of literature? What if, beyond equations, a canvas awaits the stroke of a budding artist’s brush? Perhaps within these walls, a sculptor’s hands find clay, shaping dreams into tangible forms. By fostering an environment that celebrates exploration and creativity, we ignite the flame of passion within every child.
This project emerges as a testament to the transformative power of geometric unity. Through the alchemy of shape, classrooms merge into a tapestry of learning and play. Here, within the embrace of interconnected forms, students cultivate skills that transcend the confines of textbooks. From the rhythm of dance to the stroke of a paintbrush, from the soil of a garden to the heat of a kitchen, every corner pulses with the heartbeat of discovery.
In the gallery of this school, young talents find their voice, their creations a symphony of possibility. Within these hallowed halls, diversity is celebrated, and uniqueness is revered. This is a place where students, each a kaleidoscope of untapped potential, find wings to soar.
With this project, we honor the kaleidoscope of human potential, empowering children to shape a future where every voice is heard, and every talent cherished. From this crucible of creativity, a playful school emerges in Africa’s embrace, a beacon of hope for education’s boundless horizons.

Absorbent sandstorm skyscraper Dubai

The open arms of the Absorbent Sand Storm Skyscraper
The Absorbent Sand Storm Skyscraper project consists of 25 towers on the Dubai coastline, whose design idea to deal with the sand storm in Dubai has turned their form into an open embrace to absorb dust particles.
The United Arab Emirates often suffers from sandstorms that are much more intense than what is shared in photos and videos. These storms reduce visibility to below 500 meters and disrupt transportation and airlines and often occur during the summer or at the beginning of spring when rising temperatures cause strong winds. Therefore, it is expected that with the increase in global temperature, the intensity of storms will also increase.
Besides all of these challenges, we believe that architecture is an infinite art; sometimes it moves on a horizontal surface and forms a wide space or sometimes it rises from the ground and creates skyscrapers. Architecture can be a monument or a multi-hectare complex with different functions. In each of these cases, what is ultimately important is the efficiency of the answer given to one issue. The method of designing a building provides the opportunity so that when an accident occurs, instead of being destroyed, it can withstand without bearing additional pressure and even change critical conditions for its benefit.
Designing skyscrapers is one of the most popular types of architecture in Dubai. So, we set ourselves the challenge of providing a suitable solution to the sandstorm in Dubai through the integration of creativity and technology. According to the location of the Absorbent Sand Storm Skyscraper, and the high possibility of storms, extensive studies were done regarding this phenomenon, before starting to design.
Design Process
How to deal with sandstorms has formed the main concept, and the final design will be an answer to how to control this issue and make positive use of it. The glass structure slowly rises from the ground and covers the facilities that form the main part of the skyscraper, and the whole design process is inspired by its function.
Pre-design studies showed that soil particles are electrically charged. Therefore, the main structure of the towers consists of two deep cavities to absorb soil particles. Sand particles enter the cavities and are attracted to the smart panels inside the holes, which open to a certain extent according to the intensity of the storm. Then to ensure that all particles are neutralized, all their electric charge is taken during two stages. Due to the larger diameter of the soil particles at a lower height, the lower cavity has a larger opening.
In a sustainable approach, the installation of sand batteries in the tower’s facilities is considered, which can store energy for several months, and this energy will be used even in other buildings in the region. Only one skyscraper is not enough to control sandstorms. So, we have predicted the presence of 25 towers on our site, which will overlap and improve the function of each other. Our ultimate goal is to create a multi-functional area centered on scientific research, and each tower will be dedicated to a specific function. The considered zoning will include residential use and research institutes for physics, aerospace, technology, biology, and medicine.
At the end
In the design of the Absorbent Sand Storm Skyscraper, the creative integration of structure, and facilities, along with a sustainable approach, will lead to the formation of an area that, in addition to improving the weather conditions of Dubai, has a vital role in reducing energy consumption and will become a place for gathering those interested in scientific research.

Eco Loop

The project begins with the possibility that the loop’s unlimited connections can solve the physical distance at the campus site. The loop dismantles and decentralizes the density and the hierarchy of the facilities of this complex. It eliminates and replaces rigidity and regularity with flexibility and buoyancy. Based on the above-mentioned concept, the proposed campus design is possible by eliminating the conventional and predetermined relationships between project programs and their connections through a sustainable transportation system with advanced technology as well as active and constant connectivity. The goal of this project is to create a decentralized communication order. It removes and transcends the usual topographical, geographical, traditional, and social constraints of the site for designing a campus program, thus offering a new perspective and a communication method to enhance spatial capabilities for scientific social groups and professional developments.