Animation of Anaya

Dear Friends
As a Team IMPACT 3D we always try to create something crazy.
Happy to share with you all our latest Project ANAYA (God’s own country).
We have done this project in 6 weeks including animation and rendering.
We always looking for your comments and suggestion. so please give us your feedback.

Making of the CABINS Challenge Concept Art

CABINS, The 7th Architectural Visualization Challenge, was soft-launched yesterday with information to be shared during this week leading up to the Monday start day. As part of this, I’m sharing the making-of the CABINS concept art on the challenge site. I used good old pen & paper, SketchUp, Lumion, Megascans assets and Photoshop. Part ONE is live and waiting for you. Enjoy!

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House in Bolu

The model sent without terrain, terrain modeled manually and trees placed with forestpack plugin. Athmosphere is the main focus for me, building fresh cold feeling and foggy snowy effects was a challenge but generally working with snow material was fun. Rendering done with vray 3.60 hybrid rendering, elements saved seperately athmosphere lights and refract/reflect passes so postproccesing was quick.

Lake Front District

Howard Hughes looking to redevelop Lakefront District in downtown Columbia, MD. Working with Design Collective and Howard Hughes Corp, F13 Design Studio was commissioned to create visuals for the redevelopment of the Lakefront District. It will contain office, restaurants, retail, and luxury living.

The image was created using SketchUp and 3DS Max for the modeling and texturing and Corona Renderer as the rendering engine. Post production was done in Adobe Photoshop.

There were definitely challenges to this project as the terrain was already complex and then the geometry on top of that. I was running out of RAM because the amount 3D entourage I was using to fill the scene, mainly trees, grass, bushes and flowers. They were also proxies throughout the scene. The people and cars were less of an issue.