Danmarks Rostadion

Bagsværd Lake is rich in both cultural and natural qualities that are distributed around
along the lake shore as pearls on a string. The project gathers these qualities and create a rowstadium that ties together through an architectural and spatial grip.
The architectural grip is to create a connection in the idiom and materials, and the spacious grip is about working with the landscapes,that is created between the lake shore and the forest or the city.

House in the Air

Three volumes of concrete seem to float in the air, where it seems that some glass boxes are their only support, the design intention here, was to create a home, which would open to the public areas on the ground floor, without sacrificing the private space upstairs.

We begin the exploration of the project, through sketches, drawing by hand and modeling in sketchup, with all freedom and efficiency we define details.
With the clear concept, in 3dsMax, we define framings and illumination, we fine-tune details of modeling and we generate the environment, we are very strict when basing ourselves on the existing context, to define what elements they add, and where we can intervene. This part is an adventure, we define materials, textures, colors, tones, etc. This is my favorite part of the project.
Once this stage is finished, and the images are rendered, we proceed to adjust curves and rectify the contrast.
Less is more, and in this project this phrase was our motto.

Avocado Acres House

This is a personal project I created to after seeing that on archdaily and i really liked it. i decided to creat 3d visualization for this. this pjoject design by Surfside Projects, Lloyd Russell in United States.
3d modeling in sketchup 2017 and rendered in vray 3.4 for sketchup and post process in adobe photoshop 2015

Colonial Piano Room

In this image, I wanted to test out a new floor material with reflections. This little goal provided the inspiration for the whole scene. I knew i had to push the render to its limit in contrast to add a dramatic effect and test out the various reflection types, without distorting the pixel colours too evidently. Hope you enjoy.

Silent Meditation Forest Cabin Competition Renderings

The Competition asked that the designers propose a design that would provide a comfortable living accommodation to a single person for 4-5 days. It had to be in operation for all seasons of the year, to contain a sufficient clear floor area for meditation. It also needed to include an area to store small amounts of food and water, alternative lighting options as well as a way to heat the place in the winter months.

Our design focused on being built in the forest area as well as around the small lake.

Although we didn’t win anything it was a fun competition to be a part of and a learning experience.