
A spiral-shaped museum sits on the mountain peak, overviewing the panoramic landscape.
The Shot was taken from a higher level, which appeared to be highlighting an infinity shape formed by the museum and the road turn below.

Christmas CG Kitchens 2017

Last years Christmas CG images went down so well that we created 2 sets this year. Both designed by our Senior Designer Tan, fully CG, no with no photography at all. We used photogrammetry techniques to create some really nice food models. Read more here http://www.pikcells.com/lab/photogrammetry-cg-food-tests/ Superb job on this project from Darren, Jordan, Rich Ip, Ben and Jon.

Wooden house on the Tallusjärvi lake

This was modeling project of the beautiful 100 years old house for the client. After we finish the model, we decide that the best way is to put the house on some natural environment. Searching the internet we found the beautiful lake in Finland called Tallusjärvi and decide to put it near the water and wooden dock.

Notary office extension

For environment we used 100% volumetrics fog (no zdepth). We played with interactive light mix in corona to give a morning atmosphere. A special work was done for the wet asphalt texture and gold (CoronaLayerMat). The stone is full 3D, it was created with Railclone. Anima was great to put some realistic people and match them with morning lighting. ORIGINAL SIZE 4K