Recreation of Frank Lloyd Wright unbuilt projects

I have been collaborating with the Frank Lloyd Wright Foundation in the recreation of the Gordon Strong Automobile Objective.

This work can be seen in the upcoming issue of the Frank Lloyd Wright Quarterly magazine. The magazine focuses on the design for Gordon Strong but includes views of three other works strongly related to the automobile: Butterfly Wing Bridge, Valley National Bank, and Roy Wetmore Car Repair and Showroom, all of them spectacular designs but, for different reasons never came to be built.

Areal56 | Volta Nord

There were no drafts, designs or predefined camera positions for the two parking areas. In order to have a basis for discussion with the customer, we sketched in Photoshop and determined the viewpoints and moods. After the meeting with the customer, we converted these sketches into 3D and inserted numerous details. The detail shots were created later on our own initiative.

Tide Race

Approached by an estate agent in Cornwall. I was asked to create an internal and external visual based on design by Mclean Quinlan Architects.

The client was specific that the internal had to show off the fabulous view of the North Cornish Coast, and was keen to have a external view at dusk/night.

End result was a happy estate agent, architect, client, and visualiser 🙂