Spring TOD

The project is still relatively confidential, but I can provide more as permitted and if there is any interest. The project started in with some quick massing iterations in sketchup. Once the massing had been nailed down, the project was brought over into 3ds max for some geometry fine tuning, model details, and proxy scattering. Corona’ sun / sky was used to light the scene. Photoshop was utilized for a few value and color adjustments and entourage integration.

500 West Broad St “Gravity”

How to design a pioneer Mixed-use project that triggers the revitalization of an emerging creative district? That was what Nbbj did.

Serving as a destination, the 500 West Broad Mixed-Use development re-imagines the live-work-play concept by creating a campus that will include residential, office and retail tenants: and a rich program of amenities, including community gathering spaces and art display space.

Enjoy the renderings as much as we enjoyed creating them!