Stage of Forest

The site is surrounded by luscious greenery in summer and covered by an overwhelming white snow in winter. As is a delicate site for a “Land(scape) Mark”, one whose indefinite programming demands a careful degree of deliberation. The location and triangle shape of the “stage” was only determined after precise examination and deduction of the site condition, to minimize the impact for the existing vegetation and to maximize the view on the platform. While sitting on the hill, it is facing the Songhua lake at a distance, who is famous for the rime in its surrounding areas.

Piscine interieure en Suisse

In the end of 2019 we were commissioned to visualize the interior of a swimming pool for a house in Switzerland. Our client needed this image to present his ideas of a relaxing spa in a theatrical atmosphere, to the client. The design and the materials changed along the visualization process and the resulting image was very appreciated by the architects.

White + Classic Blue

This was originally meant to be an entry for the render contest, and then Pantone announced this year’s color of the year, and I knew I wanted to also have it become a celebration of that, since it is one of my favorite colors. I used 3ds max, Fstorm, and Photoshop just for some minor color balancing.

The full project is also on my behance:

White + Classic Blue

This was originally meant to be an entry for the render contest, and then Pantone announced this year’s color of the year, and I knew I wanted to also have it become a celebration of that, since it is one of my favorite colors. I used 3ds max, Fstorm, and Photoshop just for some minor color balancing.

The full project is also on my behance: