Budget Cream Kitchen Cabinetry CGI

Our client developed a new range of no-frills kitchen cabinetry in order to appeal to a wider market. They briefed our designers to create CG showcasing the new kitchen cabinetry without using high-end fixtures or surfaces. Using quality propping and a strong simple layout we’ve managed to elevate this kitchen interior, proving that good design isn’t always about expensive products.

The team used 3DSMax to create the 3D elements and rendered with Corona adding finishing touches and colour adjustments in Adobe Photoshop and Fusion Studio 16.

More of our kitchen CG’s > www.pikcells.com/gallery/kitchens


Kashan is a lovely city of iran and has great architecture and history….so we try close our plan and concept to Climate and Tradition and….we use bricks for main materials because kashan is a warm region and brick is best choice for material….
Anyway hope you like it and thanks for your attention