Craft Labolatory

This time I want to introduce one of the most interesting colaborations with an architect and designer Wojciech Losa from Katowice, Poland.

I wanted to reflect character of the project showing it in varied moments and stories.
The visulisations which I was willing to create needed to use the exact same language as Wojtek’s projet – direct and specific one, without dispensable chatter.​​​​​​​

Read all stories behind the images on Behance!

Still Life

This is actually my first attept to create still life image, totally inspired by works of Bertrand Benoit.
It took pretty long time in the making, composition is still messy here and there and also I regret that FStorm does not support PhoenixFD, so I had to do tea steam and candle lights with a planes, but I hope it looks more or less decent. 🙂