CGI: School De Boomgaard

Primary school “De Boomgaard”
(age 4-12 year) was based on two location because of the lack of space.
The extension will give the Boomgaard enough space for the future.
We wanted tp make a wooden school.
Construction, interior, facade all-in wood.
The floorplans are very efficient in creating a central space for all the kids
in the same age group (there will be 7) classrooms with 30 kids each in the age 4-6,
and then there are 3 classrooms for every next year.
The wooden extension is fort he first three classes: age 4-7 year.

MAKY House

MAKY is a concept house that is a part of a bigger housing project in which one key element is multiplied, and by varying the length of the middle elements in an array, large, green and peaceful courtyard is formed, towards which the houses are oriented.
More images can be found on my behance profile:
or my website:

I hope you like it